#!/usr/bin/env python3
import actionlib
import itertools
import unittest
import numpy as np
import rospy
import rostest
import torch
from typing import Callable
from bayesopt4ros import test_objectives
from bayesopt4ros.msg import BayesOptAction, BayesOptGoal
from bayesopt4ros.msg import BayesOptStateAction, BayesOptStateGoal, BayesOptStateResult
[docs]class ExampleClient(object):
"""A demonstration on how to use the BayesOpt server from a Python node."""
[docs] def __init__(self, server_name: str, objective: Callable, maximize=True) -> None:
"""Initializer of the client that queries the BayesOpt server.
server_name : str
Name of the server (needs to be consistent with server node).
objective : str
Name of the example objective.
maximize : bool
If True, consider the problem a maximization problem.
rospy.init_node(self.__class__.__name__, anonymous=True, log_level=rospy.INFO)
self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(server_name, BayesOptAction)
if objective == "Forrester":
self.func = test_objectives.Forrester()
elif objective == "NegativeForrester":
self.func = test_objectives.Forrester(negate=True)
elif objective == "NoisyForrester":
self.func = test_objectives.Forrester(noise_std=0.5)
elif objective == "ThreeHumpCamel":
self.func = test_objectives.ShiftedThreeHumpCamel()
raise ValueError("No such objective.")
self.maximize = maximize
[docs] def request_parameter(self, y_new: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Method that requests new parameters from the BayesOpt server.
value : float
The function value obtained from the objective/experiment.
An array containing the new parameters suggested by BayesOpt server.
goal = BayesOptGoal(y_new=y_new)
result = self.client.get_result()
return result.x_new
[docs] def request_bayesopt_state(self) -> BayesOptStateResult:
"""Method that requests the (final) state of BayesOpt server.
.. note:: As we only call this function once, we can just create the
corresponding client locally.
state_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
"BayesOptState", BayesOptStateAction
goal = BayesOptStateGoal()
return state_client.get_result()
[docs] def run(self) -> None:
"""Method that emulates client behavior."""
# First value is just to trigger the server
x_new = self.request_parameter(0.0)
# Start querying the BayesOpt server until it reached max iterations
for iter in itertools.count():
rospy.loginfo(f"[Client] Iteration {iter + 1}")
p_string = ", ".join([f"{xi:.3f}" for xi in x_new])
rospy.loginfo(f"[Client] x_new = [{p_string}]")
# Emulate experiment by querying the objective function
y_new = self.func(torch.atleast_2d(torch.tensor(x_new))).squeeze().item()
rospy.loginfo(f"[Client] y_new = {y_new:.2f}")
# Request server and obtain new parameters
x_new = self.request_parameter(y_new)
if not len(x_new):
rospy.loginfo("[Client] Terminating - invalid response from server.")
class ClientTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Integration test cases for exemplary Python client."""
_objective_name = None
_maximize = True
def test_objective(self) -> None:
"""Testing the client on the defined objective function."""
# Set up the client
node = ExampleClient(
# Emulate experiment
# Get the (estimated) optimum of the objective
result = node.request_bayesopt_state()
# True optimum of the objective
x_opt = np.array(node.func.optimizers[0])
f_opt = np.array(node.func.optimal_value)
# Be kind w.r.t. precision of solution
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result.x_opt, x_opt, decimal=1)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result.f_opt, f_opt, decimal=1)
class ClientTestCaseForrester(ClientTestCase):
_objective_name = "Forrester"
_maximize = False
class ClientTestCaseNegativeForrester(ClientTestCase):
_objective_name = "NegativeForrester"
_maximize = True
class ClientTestCaseNoisyForrester(ClientTestCase):
_objective_name = "NoisyForrester"
_maximize = False
class ClientTestCaseThreeHumpCamel(ClientTestCase):
_objective_name = "ThreeHumpCamel"
_maximize = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Note: unfortunately, rostest.rosrun does not allow to parse arguments
# This can probably be done more efficiently but honestly, the ROS documentation for
# integration testing is kind of outdated and not very thorough...
objective = rospy.get_param("/objective")
rospy.logwarn(f"Objective: {objective}")
if objective == "Forrester":
rostest.rosrun("bayesopt4ros", "test_python_client", ClientTestCaseForrester)
elif objective == "NegativeForrester":
"bayesopt4ros", "test_python_client", ClientTestCaseNegativeForrester
elif objective == "NoisyForrester":
"bayesopt4ros", "test_python_client", ClientTestCaseNoisyForrester
elif objective == "ThreeHumpCamel":
"bayesopt4ros", "test_python_client", ClientTestCaseThreeHumpCamel
raise ValueError("Not a known objective function.")