Source code for contextual_bayesopt_server

import actionlib  # type: ignore
import rospy

from bayesopt4ros import ContextualBayesianOptimization, BayesOptServer, util
from bayesopt4ros.msg import (  # type: ignore
from bayesopt4ros.msg import (  # type: ignore

[docs]class ContextualBayesOptServer(BayesOptServer): """The contextual Bayesian optimization server node. Acts as a layer between the actual contextual Bayesian optimization and ROS. """
[docs] def __init__( self, config_file: str, server_name: str = "ContextualBayesOpt", log_file: str = None, anonymous: bool = True, log_level: int = rospy.INFO, silent: bool = False, node_rate: float = 5.0, ) -> None: """The ContextualBayesOptServer class initializer. For paramters see :class:`bayesopt_server.BayesOptServer`. """ rospy.logdebug("Initializing Contextual BayesOpt Server") super().__init__( config_file=config_file, server_name=server_name, log_file=log_file, anonymous=anonymous, log_level=log_level, silent=silent, node_rate=node_rate, ) rospy.logdebug("[ContextualBayesOptServer] Initialization done")
[docs] @util.count_requests def next_parameter_callback(self, goal: ContextualBayesOptAction) -> None: self._print_goal(goal) if not self.silent else None if self._check_final_iter(goal): return # Do not continue once we reached maximum iterations # Obtain the new parameter values. result = ContextualBayesOptResult() result.x_new = list( self.parameter_server.set_succeeded(result) self._print_result(result) if not self.silent else None
[docs] def state_callback(self, goal: ContextualBayesOptStateAction) -> None: state = ContextualBayesOptStateResult() # Best observed variables x_best, c_best, y_best = state.x_best = list(x_best) state.c_best = list(c_best) state.y_best = y_best # Posterior mean optimum for a given context x_opt, f_opt = state.x_opt = list(x_opt) state.f_opt = f_opt self.state_server.set_succeeded(state)
def _initialize_bayesopt(self, config_file): try: = ContextualBayesianOptimization.from_file(config_file) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr( f"[ContextualBayesOpt] Something went wrong with initialization: '{e}'" ) rospy.signal_shutdown("Initialization of ContextualBayesOpt failed.") def _initialize_parameter_server(self, server_name): """This server obtains new function values and provides new parameters.""" self.parameter_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( server_name, ContextualBayesOptAction, execute_cb=self.next_parameter_callback, auto_start=False, ) def _initialize_state_server(self, server_name): """This server provides the current state/results of BO.""" self.state_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( server_name, ContextualBayesOptStateAction, execute_cb=self.state_callback, auto_start=False, ) def _print_goal(self, goal): if not self.request_count == 1: s = self._log_prefix + f"y_n: {goal.y_new:.3f}" s += f", c_(n+1) = {util.iter_to_string(goal.c_new, '.3f')}" rospy.loginfo(s) else: rospy.loginfo(self._log_prefix + f"Discard value: {goal.y_new:.3f}")